Write For Us

Udyam Sakhi is a platform that is open to welcoming new talent as we want to make more content while also giving an opportunity to aspiring writers along with professional writers interested in partnering with us. 

Share Your Insights with Udyam Sakhi

If you are a passionate writer with a flair to come up with informative content on topics such as finance and investment, we would love to have you on board with us as we need to create more awareness about this mission of helping women gain financial independence. Udyam Sakhi invites you to share your insights with our community, where your ideas can inspire women entrepreneurs to break barriers, achieve their dreams, and shape the future of the Indian economy.

Why Your Ideas Matter

  • Empower Others to Thrive: Your articles will provide practical strategies and uplifting advice to help women gain the confidence they need to navigate their financial journey and build successful businesses. Every tip or strategy you share can empower readers to realize their goals and thrive in their ventures.
  • Create Meaningful Change: By contributing to Udyam Sakhi, you become part of a movement that celebrates gender equality and amplifies the economic impact of women entrepreneurs. Your words can open doors, transform mindsets, and help build a more inclusive business landscape.
  • Expand Your Network: Connect with a dynamic group of business professionals, investors, and mentors. Your contributions will bring you closer to like-minded people who share your passion for finance and creating positive change.
  • Showcase Your Expertise: Gain recognition as a trusted authority in finance and business management. Our platform will amplify your insights, helping you reach an audience of eager entrepreneurs.

How You Can Contribute

  • Share Money-Savvy Tips: Offer budgeting hacks, investment strategies, and financial advice that readers can immediately apply to their personal and business finances.
  • Highlight Innovative Business Strategies: Write about innovative approaches that can help women-owned businesses flourish, from starting up to scaling up.
  • Celebrate Success Stories: Share stories of women who’ve turned challenges into triumphs, illustrating how persistence, creativity, and strategy can overcome adversity.
  • Provide Practical Guidance: Offer relatable and actionable tips for navigating entrepreneurship, from managing a startup’s growing pains to expanding a thriving business.

Content Submission 

  • Pitch Your Idea: Submit an article idea in 800-1,500 words that reflects your passion for helping women succeed financially.
  • Be Authentic: Share your thoughts in a clear, practical, and relatable way while staying encouraging and inspiring.
  • Connect With Readers: A short bio and links to your social media or website should be added, allowing the readers to recognise the writer and reach out to you if needed. 

Become One Among Us 

Udyam Sakhi is more than just a resource—it’s a supportive community where both men and women can share ideas and knowledge to help women entrepreneurs succeed. We welcome you to be part of this movement and help drive positive change.

Reach out to us via email writers@udyamsakhi.org or through our contact page to get started. Together, we can uplift women entrepreneurs and build a brighter future where everyone thrives.

Join Udyam Sakhi today, and let’s empower women to unlock their full potential in the world of finance and entrepreneurship!